
Home  >>  Registration

  • Company name

    Company address

    Postal code and city

    Taxpayer Identification Number

    The person submitting

    The person participating (required)

    Participant category





    I declare that I have read and agree to the terms and "Conditions of participation"

  • Imię i nazwisko

    Adres pocztowy, (ulica i numer)

    Kod pocztowy i miejscowość

    Telefon kontaktowy

    Adres email

    Kategoria uczestnika

    Tytuł naukowy




    Oświadczam, że zapoznałam/em się z warunkami uczestnictwa.

I. Registration and confirmation of the participation

1. The participation in the Conference on first come first served.
2. To participate in the conference is a message to the organizer the completed Registration Form via the no later than 22 September 2016. Payments and payments for participation in the conference (100% of the registration fee) within 7 days from the date of receiving confirmation from the Organizer inclusion in the list of participants.
3. Bank account Organizer logistics is made by bank transfer after the previously received pro-forma invoice.
4. After this date will be accepted depending on availability of seats in a given category of participation.
Incomplete (eg. The lack of contact information) will not be considered.
5. Any comments should be placed in the content of the application form in the appropriate box, eg. The information about the involvement of an interpreter during the above. conference (the cost of additional services in the form of translation to the findings of the Organizer).
6. Application form is a document agreement between the organizer and the participant only if it receives confirmation from the Organizer correct registration of the participant and the availability of space in the category of participation.
7. The organizer may cancel the participation in the conference of people who do not have paid the total costs of participation within 7 days from the date of sending the application form (receivable must be on account EEC-Marketing Sp. o.o.)
II. Registration fee and terms of payment

1. Registration fee (prices do not include VAT 23%):

Category of participantto 09/22/2016
Representatives of business entities (public and private sector)700 PLN
Representatives of hospitals, public health care; Self-employed medical practices, representatives: non-public health care, private universities, private hospitals; Non-governmental sector – charity organizations, social organizations, associations, scientific societies400 PLN
Students and PhD students250 PLN
Other400 PLN

2. The registration fee includes: participation in the conference, conference materials, a catalog of post-conference presentations lecturers catering provided in the conference program (lunch and coffee breaks).
3. The registration fee does not include: additional services, such as. Accommodation, organization of translation, travel costs.
4. Payment for participation in the conference should be paid on time according to the information provided by the organizer. The data on the invoice are legally binding. Bank charges are borne by the participant.
5. Payments shall be adjusted by bank transfer to the account given below. Claims related to the participation in the conference will be regulated in the Polish currency (PLN) account: PKO BP S.A .: 43 1020 1169 0000 8502 0192 1311
6. Payment must be made as follows: 100% of the registration fee + VAT.
7. The official conference language of instruction is Polish.

III. Cancellation of participation

1. Resignation from participation in the conference presented in writing / mail after the date of 16 September 2016 authorizes the Organizer to charge the participant for all costs associated with participation in the conference, ie. 100% of the registration fee.
2. Submitting your participation in the conference participant has no objection to the burden of resignation and agree to pay them without delay and in accordance with the payment terms specified by the organizer.
3. Cancellations should be addressed to:
4. The organizer reserves the right to change the program, as well as the appeal of the Conference.

IV. Place to resolve disputes

1. Any disputes that may arise from participation in the conference will be settled by a competent common court in Warsaw.
2. For the settlement of any disputes shall prevail text of this „Conditions of Participation in the II International Conference ” Keep the Youth „.
3. The law applicable to the interpretation of the provisions of these „Terms of Participation in the II International Conference ” Keep the Youth „is the Polish law.

V. Contact

Arkadiusz Góraj
Project coordinator
tel: +48 22 243 17 73
mob: +48 668 883 301
fax: +48 22 742 19 32